In an ideal world, divorce would be something no couple ever had to worry about. Unfortunately, relationships can fall apart for a range of reasons. Over time, people grow distant, priorities change, and issues occur that could cause divorce to be the only viable option for you and your partner.
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any different ways to approach the end of your marriage. For some residents of Orange County, New York, litigation may be the best solution to effectively complete the divorce process. For others, divorce mediation could be a valuable alternative.
As both a divorce mediator and family lawyer, I’ve seen the benefits of both litigation and alternative dispute resolution methods at different times. For many of the people I work with, though, divorce mediation offers a fantastic way to mitigate some of the stress, expense, and fatigue of the litigation process. The biggest challenge for many couples is finding the right mediator to guide them through the divorce process.
Now that virtual divorce mediation is an option, my office can deliver convenient mediation sessions to Orange County residents, either in-person, for those willing to travel to my office in Nassau County Long Island or from the comfort of their own homes. Here are some of the reasons why clients choose to work with me on the divorce process. Continue reading ›