
Virtual Online Monroe County Divorce Mediation Sessions

Online, Zoom or Virtual Divorce Mediation has become more available for Monroe County residents and people everywhere throughout New York State. Although there are always situations wherein litigation or lawyer to lawyer negotiation is the chosen method to try to reach an agreement in the family law landscape, mediation offers many unique benefits. Used correctly, it can provide couples with a less stressful, more convenient way to navigate the end of their marriage.

Unfortunately, many couples have struggled to access the benefits of family law or divorce mediation in the past, simply because they’re unable to find a trustworthy and knowledgeable mediator local to their Monroe County address. My office aims to address this issue by offering versatile mediation options, with virtual sessions, hosted on platforms like Zoom.

Today, I can offer clients all over New York and Long Island, including those in Monroe County, access to comprehensive support and guidance, through mediation sessions tailored to suit them. Here are just some of the reasons Monroe County clients could choose me as their divorce mediator.

Experienced Support from a New York Lawyer or Mediator

Located within the Finger Lakes region of New York, along the southern shore of Lake Ontario, Monroe County is an incredible place, named after the fifth president of the United States. With a population of over 752,000 people, Monroe County is brimming with families, couples, and individuals from every walk of life, from born and bred locals, to those drawn to the region by its beautiful architecture.

As a New York resident myself, I’ve spent my entire life exploring the various regions of New York and Long Island, both as a tourist, and a legal professional. Since being admitted to the New York Bar in 1999, I’ve had an opportunity to work on cases involving people from across New York State, and have represented clients in numerous Family and Supreme court settings.

Though I live in Suffolk County, and my office is located in Jericho, Nassau County, Long Island, I offer my assistance, as a New York lawyer and divorce mediator to people all around New York State.

Not only am I familiar with the State as a New York local, but my experience as a divorce and family lawyer means I can bring unique perspectives into the mediation process. My understanding of the legal guidelines that surround divorce, child custody, and connected proceedings makes me a valuable source of input for many clients throughout the New York and Long Island regions.

Now that it’s possible for mediators such as myself to work with clients remotely, through channels like Zoom, and even e-file documents with the courts through the internet, I can offer my local expertise and support to Monroe County residents, without asking them to travel the long distance to my office.

Both Mediation and Litigation Support

My experiences as a family law attorney have given me an excellent insight into the potential of multiple forms of dispute resolution throughout the years. While I know that the traditional litigation process is valuable, and sometimes essential for certain family law cases, I’ve also seen the extent of the benefits that mediation can offer to my clients.

When I was first admitted to the New York Bar in 1999, I spent many years working with different firms throughout New York State and Long Island. This allowed me to build my experience as an attorney, and also develop a deep understanding of the challenges my clients faced. Eventually, I hung my own shingle, so to speak in 2004 and took a role with the Assigned Panel of Suffolk County, which helped me discover my passion for family law.

First, I launched my own office in Suffolk County, offering attorney services to locals from the region, before moving to Nassau County. After a while, the experiences I had with alternative dispute resolution prompted me to launch my own mediation service, offered alongside standard litigation and family attorney solutions to give different processes for the people I work with to choose from.

Although initially, this mediation service was primarily offered in-person at my office in the Jericho region of Nassau County, I was able to branch out into virtual mediation options at the start of the pandemic. Today, I continue to offer both virtual, and in-office mediation options to couples throughout New York. For residents of Monroe County, this means they can access a cost-effective, and less-stressful alternative to litigation, without the need for extensive travel.

Versatile Mediation Solutions for Monroe County

Beyond simply offering clients the option to choose between in-person and virtual sessions, I believe in providing Monroe County couples with an experience that’s tailored to their specific needs. Over the years, I’ve honed a number of valuable mediation techniques, which I can use throughout virtual and in-person sessions to facilitate more effective conversations.

Depending on the nature of the case, I can leverage one or multiple of the following strategies to support my clients:

  • Evaluative mediation: As a family law attorney, I can share my experience with and knowledge of the New York Courts and legal system with my clients. With evaluative mediation sessions, I can help them to see the strengths and weaknesses of their cases, paving the way for compromise between parties when necessary, and minimizing conflict.
  • Facilitative mediation: As a mediator, I always strive to help my clients have the most valuable conversations in our sessions, as an objective but supportive third-party. Facilitative mediation techniques, such as open-ended questioning, can help couples to understand the reasons behind their partners requests and concerns, fueling better decision making.
  • Interest based negotiation: Excellent mediation is all about ensuring that both clients feel respected and heard throughout the conversation. Interest-based mediation methods allow me to ensure that both parties have a chance to voice their concerns and share their priorities before any agreements are made.

My office will always adapt to suit the needs of each client and couple, ensuring they can get the best possible results out of their conversations and alternative dispute resolution methods.

Divorce Mediation for Monroe County

While divorce will always be a challenging situation, there are ways to circumnavigate the complexity of litigation. Alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation are an excellent way to reduce the cost and stress of the standard divorce process. I’ve seen countless clients achieve excellent results with this method, and strive to deliver the same benefits to all New York County residents.

If you’re located in Monroe County, and believe you could benefit from the support of a local mediator with expertise in the family law landscape, you can access my services both virtually and in-person. Simply reach out through the contact form on this website, or give my office a call to arrange your initial consultation with yourself and your partner. I look forward to helping you on your mediation journey.

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