
Long Island Family Law and Mediation Blog


Financial Discovery in Divorces and Failure to Disclose

What happens in a divorce when someone fails to make financial disclosure or financial disclosure in divorces? Parties to a divorce in New York are entitled to complete financial disclosure by the other side. There are a number of ways for a divorce lawyer to obtain this disclosure. Usually one…


Transgender and Name Changes

Legal name changes are an important topic for transgender individuals. Today, the world has begun to grow increasingly aware of individuals who identify as transgender. Those who recognize themselves to be transgender do not confirm unambiguously to the conventional notions of female and male gender roles. According to, when…


What Can I Do Before My Divorce Mediation?

Preparing for Divorce Mediation Hopefully your mediation won’t look like this picture (at least because the mediator should be in the picture too), but following these suggestions might help for a smooth process.  For some people, mediation will be the preferred legal process that they can take to access the…


How to Challenge an Indicated Finding by CPS?

Challenging an Indicated Finding by Child Protective Services If you ever discover yourself within a situation wherein you have been made the subject of a report made to the New York Child Protective Services or Administration of Children’s Services (CPS/ACS), it is important to ensure you know your rights. Although…


Emotional Aspects of a Divorce and Mediation

Approaching and Understanding the Emotional Aspects of Divorce In the materials from my mediation training at the Center for Mediation and Training (which this blog article summarizes and is based upon), and as my years of practice as a matrimonial attorney and mediator confirmed, I learned there are the following…


Service by Facebook in a New York Divorce?

In a recent case decided by the New York County Supreme Court, Baidoo v. Blood-Dzraku, 2015 N.Y. Misc. Lexis 97 (New York County S.Ct. 2015), service in a divorce case through Facebook was ordered as valid service.  Previously, I have blogged about service problems in divorces and service by newspaper…


Divorce Mediation v. Litigation v. Collaborative Law v. Negotiations

Comparing Divorce Litigation, Collaborative Law, Mediation and Negotiated Settlements In the process of a divorce or case involving family law, you will often find that there are many different routes available to you. As a trained mediator, litigator, collaborative law attorney and legal professional, I have had experience with all…


What are Private Placement Adoptions in New York?

An Overview of Private Placement Adoption in New York Adoptions take place when one or two people take another individual (generally a child) to be their own child. When someone chooses to legally adopt a child, they will have all of the responsibilities and rights of a natural payment, and…


What are Decisions To Be Made On Child Support?

Decisions to be made on Child Support Whatever the process chosen, be it mediation, litigation, collaborative law, or settlement negotiations certain decisions can be made regarding child support issues for the children. After a divorce, or pursuant to a child support application by the non-residential custodial parent whether married or…


What are Equitable Distribution Decisions in New York Divorces?

Decisions to be made on Equitable Distribution The term “equitable distribution” refers to the method that is used to divide obligations, property and assets between spouses as a part of divorce proceedings. An important concept to understand is that equitable distribution doesn’t necessarily mean that things are divided “equally”, only…

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