Long Island Family Law and Mediation Blog


Can the Parties to a New York Divorce Mediation Provide Their Own Agreement Regarding Child Support Payments?

While some New York divorces are long, drawn-out, and contentious affairs, others are much more amicable such as when the parties use divorce mediation as the process. In the latter type of divorce, it is not uncommon for the parties to agree on many of the issues that a court…


The Costs of New York Divorce Mediation Versus a Traditional Divorce

Going through a New York divorce can be an extremely difficult time for both spouses. However, it does not have to be. When the parties can agree on some of the fundamental issues, New York divorce mediation is an excellent option to decrease the amount of time, money, and stress…


What Sort of Issues Does a Good New York Prenuptial Agreement Cover?

When a couple gets married in New York, they are legally entering into an “economic partnership.” Thus, absent a clear indication to the contrary, courts assume that the couple agrees on certain default rules regarding the couple’s assets. However, not all relationships are formed on the same set of expectations…


What’s the Difference Between Divorce Mediators and Review Attorneys?

There are many different ways to handle the complexities of a New York divorce. Often, as a divorce attorney that also offers mediation and collaborative law, I receive calls from clients who aren’t sure what kind of process they want to use for their marital issues. In some situations, clients…


Divorce Mediation in the Future: Predictions for 2019 and Beyond

It’s impossible for anyone to predict the future with complete accuracy, as the world we live in is often a very unpredictable place. However, we can look back at the lessons that we’ve learned over the years and use what we know in the present to guide predictions about the…


Long Island Divorce Mediation for December 2018

One important thing that we know about divorce mediation in December 2018 is that we can work through the settlement issues with the knowledge of the current laws that are in effect.  This includes the effect of the taxability or non-taxability of maintenance (alimony) and child support for separation and…


Can a Judge Defer the Sale of a Marital Residence in a New York Divorce?

There are several options when it comes to determining what happens with the marital home in a New York divorce. Of course, the court may award the home to either party and require the party receiving the home to buy out the other spouse. A court may also order the…


Can a Judge Force the Sale of a Marital Home in a New York Divorce?

One of the most significant decisions in a New York divorce is what happens with the couple’s marital home. In most cases, a couple’s most valuable asset is their home. Aside from the financial value, there are often other considerations such as the emotional value a house has to one…


Dealing with an Allegation of Educational Neglect in New York

There are many complex cases to consider in the world of family law. Some of the most often-discussed cases include those to do with divorce, child support, child custody and parenting time cases. However, there are also instances in which a parent may be accused of neglecting or abusing a…


Are Ongoing Health Insurance Benefits Considered Marital Property in a New York Divorce?

When a court sets out to divide a couple’s assets in a New York divorce case, the court will not simply split the assets down the middle, but instead it will employ a system called “equitable distribution.” Under an equitable distribution analysis, a court considers several factors when determining the…

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