As a child custody lawyer, divorce attorney, and family law lawyer, I’ve been involved with several different divorcetrials across Long Island and New York. While the specifics of these trials might change from couple to couple, it’s worth noting that the formats and many strategies attorneys typically use to present…
Articles Posted in Trials
What to Know About Divorce Trial Opening Statements
A marriage is about joining two lives together at multipledifferent touchpoints. When you agree to a marriage, you interweave almost every aspect of your life with your partner. For that reason, when a divorce takes place, it can be very complicated to untangle the situation, and make sure that both…
Summation or Closing Statements in Child Custody Trials
There are various elements involved in ensuring the best results froma child custody case. Closing statements are one of the unique and valuable opportunities that child custody lawyers use when attempting to present their side of the story to the judge. Because managing a case with children involved can be…
Opening Statements in Child Custody Trials
Child custody trials can be very challenging experiences for every individualinvolved. After all, they require the court to consider the best interests of a child when moving forward after a divorce case. An important element to remember is that while many professional techniques are used during a child custody battle,…
Cross Examination in Child Custody Trials and Hearings
When it comes to pursuing the best interests of a child in the case of “childcustody” there are many different paths for an individual to choose. For instance, some partners considering divorce who must think about child custody concerns will decide to undergo a professional course of mediation, Mediation allows…
Direct Examination in Child Custody Trials
There are various ways to approach a child custody case. For some parents, thebest solution to negotiating things like parenting time, visitation, and custody, will be to consider an amicable approach featuring settlement negotiations, collaborative law or mediation. Indeed, many couples believe that mediation is a powerful option for cases…
Does Surveilling Someone Using a PI Violate an Order of Protection During a New York Divorce?
In Anonymous v. Anonymous, a husband filed a motion for summary judgment to dismiss his wife’s petition alleging he’d violated an order of protection. The order of protection had been entered without a finding of fault and directed him to stay at least 1,000 feet away from the wife’s residence and…
Child Testimony in Order of Protection or Family Offense Cases
Unlike circumstances relating to child custody cases, where the testimony made by the children involved (please seemy last blog for more information), can be done in a private setting (In-Camera), circumstances can differ somewhat in order of protection or family offense cases, where children are brought forth as witnesses to…
What is an In Camera Child Custody Hearing?
There are many considerations a court has to make when it comes to child custody cases. Though, ultimately, thecourt must put the best interests of the child first when it comes to dictating who should be given parenting or visitation rights. There are numerous factors that come into play when…
The Primary Caretaker Standard in New York Child Custody Law
Child Custody disputes and Divorces are complicated at the best of times. Often, legally breaking down a relationship becomes moredifficult when children are involved. When a mother and father choose to separate or divorce, they not only have to think about the steps that should be taken to improve their…