Divorce mediation in New York is a voluntary settlement process used by spouses who wish to divorce. The process is facilitated by a mediator who works with both spouses to negotiate a settlement that both parties can live with and that is in the best interests of the family. The…
Articles Posted in Mediation
What to Consider In High Net Worth and All Divorces
No matter the circumstances, a divorce is rarely pleasant or easy, but it can be resolution and a new beginning. In any situation, there are various factors that both parties will need to carefully consider – such as how to split or share assets, who should be responsible for what,…
Communication Tips in Divorce Mediation
Mediation is one of the most popular legal solutions available when it comes to negotiating the terms of a divorce. As I have stated in various blog posts before, I myself am a huge advocate of divorce mediation (and collaborative law) when it comes to settling disputes between couples that…
When can a Divorce be Withdrawn or Discontinued in New York?
It is possible, under different scenarios, to discontinue a divorce, before it is finalized by the signing of the judgment. But how can it be done? The answer is found in the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules 3217 and corresponding case law that interprets it. What the law…
Conflict De-escalation in Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Law
Issues of conflict commonly arise when parties within a case find themselves intolerant of each other’s requests or opinions. When goals change, cracks can begin to form in relationships of any kind – from marriages, to parents and their children, colleagues in the workplace and more. When people think and…
What Can I Do Before My Divorce Mediation?
Preparing for Divorce Mediation Hopefully your mediation won’t look like this picture (at least because the mediator should be in the picture too), but following these suggestions might help for a smooth process. For some people, mediation will be the preferred legal process that they can take to access the…
Emotional Aspects of a Divorce and Mediation
Approaching and Understanding the Emotional Aspects of Divorce In the materials from my mediation training at the Center for Mediation and Training (which this blog article summarizes and is based upon), and as my years of practice as a matrimonial attorney and mediator confirmed, I learned there are the following…
Divorce Mediation v. Litigation v. Collaborative Law v. Negotiations
Comparing Divorce Litigation, Collaborative Law, Mediation and Negotiated Settlements In the process of a divorce or case involving family law, you will often find that there are many different routes available to you. As a trained mediator, litigator, collaborative law attorney and legal professional, I have had experience with all…
What are Decisions To Be Made On Child Support?
Decisions to be made on Child Support Whatever the process chosen, be it mediation, litigation, collaborative law, or settlement negotiations certain decisions can be made regarding child support issues for the children. After a divorce, or pursuant to a child support application by the non-residential custodial parent whether married or…
What are Equitable Distribution Decisions in New York Divorces?
Decisions to be made on Equitable Distribution The term “equitable distribution” refers to the method that is used to divide obligations, property and assets between spouses as a part of divorce proceedings. An important concept to understand is that equitable distribution doesn’t necessarily mean that things are divided “equally”, only…