Articles Posted in Family Court


Order of Protection Series (Part 6): How the Courts (Family and Others) Address Orders of Protection

If you’ve followed my bullet point series on orders of protection until now, you’ll know that these documents can be a common consideration in a range of divorce and family law cases. When a family “offense” takes place, causing danger to a specific member of the family unit, an order…


Order of Protection Series (Part 2): What Are Orders of Protection and Defining Family

Welcome to your complete bullet point guide to orders of protection involving family members, and family offenses. This series is inspired by the other guides I’ve created on this blog to help my clients understand complex topics like divorce, equitable distribution, child custody, and child support. Orders of protection can…


Child Support Bullets Part 5: Incorrect Income Executions, Support Orders and Written Objections

Thank you for once again joining me for another instalment in this bullet-point guide on child support in family law. I’ve been using this bullet point series to try my best provide parties interested in family law and the decisions that need to be made by the court or people…


Immediate Hearing if Removal From Home for Family Offense Order of Protection

The recent issues caused by COVID-19 have surfaced some common questions about family court cases, and what kind of issues require immediate attention. For instance, if a person was removed from their home because of a temporary order of protection, would this require an immediate hearing to ensure that each…


Getting an Order of Protection in the COVID-19 Crisis

At the time of writing, my office is still open during the COVID-19 pandemic however I am doing business a little differently, as everyone. We have made some changes to the way that we support citizens in New York and Long Island, to adhere with the guidelines implemented for the…


Court Ordered Mediation for Child Custody in New York Family Court

In my last blog, I discussed the arrival of presumptive mediation as a mandatory addition to New York divorce cases. Presumptive mediation for family court cases on custody has now arrived in New York, as of the fall of 2019. So far, this is how I have seen this implementation…


Dealing with an Allegation of Educational Neglect in New York

There are many complex cases to consider in the world of family law. Some of the most often-discussed cases include those to do with divorce, child support, child custody and parenting time cases. However, there are also instances in which a parent may be accused of neglecting or abusing a…


Child Custody – Ten Frequently Asked Questions “FAQS”

As a child custody lawyer for New York, and Long Island, I know that people involved with a child custody case oftenhave questions about it.  The complexities of best interests and various pre-set standards can make it difficult for parents to understand exactly what they’re getting into when they approach…


Child Testimony in Order of Protection or Family Offense Cases

Unlike circumstances relating to child custody cases, where the testimony made by the children involved (please seemy last blog for more information), can be done in a private setting (In-Camera), circumstances can differ somewhat in order of protection or family offense cases, where children are brought forth as witnesses to…


When Should There Be Child Support Beyond the Initial Cap in New York?

In any divorce or child support case that involves children identified as minors, it’s crucial to determine how much support needs to beprovided to give those children an on-going, and undisrupted lifestyle following a divorce or separation of parents. Child support is often a very complicated issue within divorce cases,…

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