
Articles Posted in Equitable Distribution


Who Is Responsible for Student-Loan Debt in New York Divorce Proceedings?

When a marriage is ending, unless there is a valid agreement between the parties, it is left up to the judge to determine the financial responsibilities of the parties in what they call in New York equitable distribution. In most cases, this requires the judge to figure out all of…


Divorce, Disability Pensions, Pensions, Retirement Assets and Equitable Distribution

Equitable distribution is one of the matters that I deal with most often as a divorce attorney for New York and LongIsland. Though all the intricacies involved in equitable distribution can be a concept that’s difficult to understand without a background in family law, it can become more challenging when…


What Happens If the Sale of the Marital Home Is Delayed Until After Divorce in New York?

When two spouses get a divorce in New York, they must address multiple complicated issues, including the equitable distribution of marital property. This often includes the marital home. A divorce agreement, or a court order granting a divorce, usually includes provisions for the disposition of the marital home. The sale of…


Dividing Retirement Savings in New York or Long Island Divorce

When it comes to equitably dividing the assets that have been gathered during the course of a marriage in a divorce –retirement assets from pensions to IRAs to Annuities are important ones. Though many couples are busy fretting about who’s going to get the house or how custody agreements are…


New York and Long Island Divorce and the Home

Divorce and the Marital Residence Divorces often aren’t easy. I have spent a number of years now guiding clients through the complications of divorce throughout Long Island, and New York.  I’ve seen very few cases, although they exist, where there is a big dispute over lower priced property like furniture. …


Proof of Marital Debt and Divorce

There are various subcategories of issues that need to be addressed in a divorce settlement or final order from acourt. Not only do you need to make decisions about various different things – including the debt that you and your spouse have gathered over the years – but you also…


What are the Underlying Concerns of Mature and Senior Divorces?

There are many reasons why couples may choose to get a divorce at a later stage in their lives. Indeed, divorces cantake place for many of the same reasons attributed to younger breakups – including financial pressures, infidelity and more. Between 1990 and 2010, the divorce rate for people between…


Validity of a Universal Life Church Marriage and Prenuptial Agreement

In New York, an antenuptial agreement that goes into effect once the parties are married may be valid even if the minister that solemnized the marriage received his authority from an unconventional religion. In Oswald v. Oswald, the court considered the effect of a antenuptial or prenuptial agreement after a marriage ceremony performed…


Enforceability of Marital Agreements in New York Involving Jewish Law

New York has a history of having a concentrated population of Jewish people who observe Jewish law. Currently, observant Jews who want to be divorced must effectuate a divorce that is valid under both Jewish law and New York state law, or they can choose not to marry under secular law and…


Enforceability of Islamic Marriage Agreements in New York Made in Front of an Imam

Under Islamic law, marriage itself is a civil contract, and both spouses must have the legal ability to make a contract to create an enforceable marriage. Traditional Muslim marriage contracts include a provision called mahr. The mahr is automatically a wife’s separate property under Islamic law, and it supposed to…

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