The long awaited divorce law overhaul, that has major changes to the maintenance (fka alimony laws) was signed into law by the Governor on September 25, 2015 and is effective as of October 25, 2015 for temporary maintenance and in January 2016 for the remaining changes. The new law continues…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Child Support and the New Girlfriend or Boyfriend
The New Significant Other and Child Support Last week’s blog article was about child custody and the new boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. Like with child custody, I frequently get inquiries and new cases about child support when there are new significant others. As always, people should keep in mind…
New Girlfriend or Boyfriend and Child Custody and Parenting Time
The New Significant Other Phenomena When it comes to dealing with visitation time, parenting rights, child custody, and child support – there are a lot of sensitive and complicated issues to consider. One set of situations I deal with somewhat frequently as a family lawyer within Long Island and in…
When can a Divorce be Withdrawn or Discontinued in New York?
It is possible, under different scenarios, to discontinue a divorce, before it is finalized by the signing of the judgment. But how can it be done? The answer is found in the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules 3217 and corresponding case law that interprets it. What the law…
Conflict De-escalation in Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Law
Issues of conflict commonly arise when parties within a case find themselves intolerant of each other’s requests or opinions. When goals change, cracks can begin to form in relationships of any kind – from marriages, to parents and their children, colleagues in the workplace and more. When people think and…
Does Adultery Change Equitable Distribution in a Divorce?
Egregious conduct affecting equitable distribution in divorce As a matrimonial and family law attorney, my clients regularly ask me various questions about the factors that may have an impact on their divorce, or the determination of equitable distribution. Some partners believe that they should be entitled to an unequal distribution…
Pros and Cons of Using the New York Child Support Collection Unit
This blog article will discuss some, but certainly not all, of the features and reasons for or against having payments going through the New York Support Collection Unit. Any recipient of child support has the right to ask that the court order provide that the payments be made through the…
What Does Best Interests of the Child Mean in Child Custody Cases?
Best Interest Standard In many legal matters, the focus of a court is often into the past of the parties involved in an attempt to resolve the issues. On the other hand, in a custody case, the court attempts to perceive the future and predict which parent will provide a…
Court Discretion in Support, Divorce, Family Law, Child Custody … Part 2
In a previous blog post, we touched upon issues of discretion of judges and other triers of fact (referees, judicial hearing officer and support magistrates), and the ways in which parties in a legal proceeding, and their attorneys may have the ability to shape the decision of a judge or…
Court’s Discretion in Child Support and Family Law Part 1
When dealing with issues of family law, there are often many considerations to take into account, from the goals that you are hoping to achieve, to the appropriate steps you must take, the way you should present your case in court, and the factors that could diminish your chances…