It is a fundamental principle in New York Family law that for a request to modify a custody order to be able toproceed in court, be it Supreme Court or Family court, there needs to be a substantial change of circumstances. Only if there is a substantial change of circumstance…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Self Employed Spouses, Parents, Child Support, Divorce and Proving Income
One fact that presents itself to me time and time again as a family lawyer in New York, and Long Island, is thatdivorce and family law can deliver a wide range of different complications. From issues regarding child custody, equitable distribution, to matters concerned with child support, spousal support and…
New York and Long Island Divorce and the Home
Divorce and the Marital Residence Divorces often aren’t easy. I have spent a number of years now guiding clients through the complications of divorce throughout Long Island, and New York. I’ve seen very few cases, although they exist, where there is a big dispute over lower priced property like furniture. …
Proof of Marital Debt and Divorce
There are various subcategories of issues that need to be addressed in a divorce settlement or final order from acourt. Not only do you need to make decisions about various different things – including the debt that you and your spouse have gathered over the years – but you also…
Understanding Divorce and Social Security Benefits
When it comes to arranging a divorce, many couples look for the various ways in which they might be able to protect themselves from future financial issues. Part of this may involve looking closelyat concerns regarding asset distribution between partners, and split pensions. In the case of senior divorces, one…
What are the Underlying Concerns of Mature and Senior Divorces?
There are many reasons why couples may choose to get a divorce at a later stage in their lives. Indeed, divorces cantake place for many of the same reasons attributed to younger breakups – including financial pressures, infidelity and more. Between 1990 and 2010, the divorce rate for people between…
Child Support Arrears in New York
Both parents are expected to support their children in New York. Generally, however, a non-custodial parent pays support to a child through the custodial parent. Many feel that child support is predicated on the idea that children should have the same lifestyle after a divorce as they had beforehand, which,…
How Do You Get a Spouse to Agree to Divorce Mediation?
When you and your spouse agree that it might be time to consider a divorce, you’ll discover that there are a number of different routes available for you to choose from. Divorce doesn’tautomatically have to be about stressful litigation – it can be something that you come to terms about…
When Should a New York Court Refrain From Ordering Forensics in Child Custody Cases?
In an overwhelming number of cases, parents agree to a child custody arrangement without involving the court. However, some child custody cases are brought to court because parents are unable to agree. In those cases, the Supreme Court or Family Court is supposed to allocate to each parent decision-making, care-taking,…
When Should a New York Court Order Forensics in Child Custody Cases?
Child custody and time-sharing arrangements in New York are determined based on the children’s best interests. In some cases, a forensic evaluation is ordered. This may include general and specialized psychological testing and clinical interviews of the parents and children. In some cases, collateral information is also gathered, and home…