As a child custody lawyer for New York, and Long Island, I know that people involved with a child custody case oftenhave questions about it. The complexities of best interests and various pre-set standards can make it difficult for parents to understand exactly what they’re getting into when they approach…
Articles Posted in Child Custody
Five Things You Might Not Know about New York Child Support
Today’s blog is a blend of some of my prior blogs and/or website articles over the years on child support. As a NewYork divorce lawyer and family law attorney, one of the most common types of cases I deal with involves the issue of child support. Under the law of…
Serving a Summons with Notice in a New York Divorce
Divorces in New York follow many of the same procedures as other lawsuits. The plaintiff spouse filing must provide the defendant spouse with notice consisting of a summons and either a copy of the divorce complaint or a notice describing the nature of the lawsuit. Delivering these documents to a…
Long Island Court Grants Legal Custody of Child to Three People
Laws relating to child custody have gone through a number of significant changes in recent years, which largely reflect the fact that the concept of “parent” can extend beyond biological mothers and fathers. New York law no longer limits legal custody to biological or adoptive parents, although it sets a…
How does one do Divorce Mediation Right?
Different people approach divorce from different angles. While some are limited to litigation, others will prefer toexplore alternative solutions like collaborative law and mediation. I offer mediation to couples as a way of helping them to sort through the various issues that commonly arise during a divorce or separation. As…
What is an In Camera Child Custody Hearing?
There are many considerations a court has to make when it comes to child custody cases. Though, ultimately, thecourt must put the best interests of the child first when it comes to dictating who should be given parenting or visitation rights. There are numerous factors that come into play when…
Order of Protection Case or Family Offense Petition on Behalf of a Child?
A family offense petition, or order of protection, can be filed in New York on the behalf of a child when a parentsuspects, or has evidence of an act of abuse or neglect initiated by another family member. To act within a child’s best interests, the New York courts must…
When Should Courts Dismiss Child Custody Modification Requests without a Hearing?
In the world of family law, many issues regarding everything from divorce, to maintenance, and even child custodywill depend on the unique factors that exist behind a particular case. For instance, whether child support is appropriate and how much should be awarded, though guided by a formula, will ultimately be…
What is the Good and Bad About Divorce?
Nobody gets married with the belief that a few years, or even decades, down the line they’ll be considering visiting adivorce lawyer. In fact, most couples get married with enthusiasm and hope for an ever-lasting relationship. Unfortunately, marriage can be a difficult construct to maintain, and can break down in…
Child Custody Modification Change of Circumstances from Entered Order or Settlement Date?
It is a fundamental principle in New York Family law that for a request to modify a custody order to be able toproceed in court, be it Supreme Court or Family court, there needs to be a substantial change of circumstances. Only if there is a substantial change of circumstance…